- 13 - 15 October, 2017 Athens, Greece
Scientific co-chair: Ilia Roussou - Konstantinos D. Valavanis
Honorary President: Gilberto Sammartino
Organized by13 - 15 October, 2017 Athens, Greece
Scientific co-chair
Ilia Roussou - Konstantinos D. Valavanis
Honorary President
Gilberto Sammartino


The smart casual dentistry Σymposium
Friday 13/10/2017
Breakfast with the exhibitors
Opening Ceremony
Eric Van Dooren (Belgiun)
New Opportunities for Enhancement in the Esthetic Zone
Moderator: Gilbero Samartino
Livio Yoshinaga (Brazil)
SKYN Concept – The perfect balance between Art & Technology
Moderator: Iraklis Gousias
Light lunch
Henry Salama (U.S.A.)
Optimizing the «Transition Zone» in Esthetic and Implant Therapy: A 3-Dimensional Approach
Moderator: Spyros Karatzas
Alessandro – Andrea Agnini (Italy)
The role of Digital Working Tools and Materials in everyday Dentistry
Moderators: Maria Gatou – Andreas Fotopoulos
Henry Ho (Singapore)
An Asian Perspective on the Challenges of Tissue Management and Long Term Asthetics for Dental Implants
Moderator: Nikos Mallios
Coffee break
Stavros Pelekanos (Greece)
Preserving hard & soft tissues around implants in the aesthetic zone: Biology,
Abutment design – selection & Treatment workflow.
Moderator: Koutagias Spyros
Panel discussion
The smart casual dentistry Σymposium
Breakfast with the exhibitors
Voting ceremony
Gilberto Sammartino (Italy)
Honorary president
Prevention of periodontal complications related to the impacted third molar extraction
Moderator: Nikos Mantalenakis
Galip Gurel (Turkey)
Digital Communication / The Implant- Prostho Connection
Moderator: Mihalis Papastamos
Light lunch
Alain Simonpieri (France)
Modern approach of full arch immediate loading
Moderator: Kostas Nikolopoulos
Fabio Gorni (Italy)
Implants VS natural teeth, the eternal dilemma: the role of the endo-resto recovering in a modern treatment plan
Moderator: Spyros Floratos
Egon Euwe (Netherlands)
The Rootmimetic Approach – Optimizing the Pink Interface
Moderator: Stratis Papazoglou
Coffee break
George Goumenos (Greece)
Current trends in esthetic periodontal surgery
Moderator: Nikos Raptis
Panel discussion – Closing ceremony – Presentation of the SCDΣ 2018
Social Events
FRI. & SAT. 09:00-10:00
Breakfast with the sponsors
Coffee is represented by a huge chain of processes and people, starting from growing the seed, taking care of the coffee tree, selecting and processing the fruit. Then, it is roasted in the best possible way by passionate people.
We have assumed the duty to highlight their hard work by preparing the beverages.
We are waiting for you, so that you become the last part of this chain.
The only thing you need is good mood and to have you taste buds ready for a unique experience!
FRIDAY 20:30
The Smart Σymposium
Wine tasting
A feast of tastes and flavors in a celebration of the senses
The vine-producing Peloponnese. 3.000 years of ongoing presence in vineyard and wine production and the Designation of Origin zones of its wines Mantineia – Nemea – Patras
Presentation of the main characteristics of the wines of Nemea and Mantineia zone
The Casual Σymposium
1. A conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject
2. A drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in Ancient Greece after a banquet (and notable as the title of a work by Plato)
So, after 2 days of convivial discussion, our symposium, as in Ancient Greece, is closing with a drinking party, signature cocktails and Galip Gurel on the decks.
Be part of this!

Upcoming Fac
s Pontium

An important innovation, where many promising Greek and foreign speakers will present and compete in an attempt to accelerate the emergence and establishment of new people and their ideas

Roberta Gasparro (Italy)
Bichat’s buccal fat pad: an easily accessible source of mesenchimal stem cells for tissue engineering?

Michael Diomataris (Greece)
Ceramic veneers on single lithium disilicate implant abutment and adjacent natural tooth. A novel approach for improving interproximal esthetics.
AbstractKonstantinos Sergis (Greece)
Full digital step by step protocols in complex cases: planning, treatment and success

Stefania Grous (Greece)
Integration of bleaching procedures into the prosthetic treatment. When and How.

Dimitris Chatziemmanouil (Greece)
Clinical Guided surgery utilizing open systems and softwares
AbstractWith the support of
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PartnersSee the Partners
Media Partners
Social Partners
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Alessandro Agnini (Italy)
Dr. Alessandro Agnini graduated in 1989 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
He has private dental practices in Modena and Sassuolo, Emilia Romagna, where he dedicates only to Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontology and implant Dentistry. He attended the “ Fixed Prosthetic “ program of studies with Doctor Gianfranco Di Febo in the two years 1991 – 1993 and the Periodontology program of studies with Doctor Gianfranco Carnevale in the two years 1993 – 1995. In 1995 he attended the One Year Program in Implant Dentistry with Doctor Mauro Merli.
Since 2006 he is an active member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry. He is an adjunct Professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, for the teaching of Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry and Implant Prosthetic Dentistry.
He is author and co author of italian and international scientific publications and italian and international lecturer. He is the scientific director, since 2008, of the annual courses in Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontology and Implant dentistry based at his own private office in Sassuolo. Since 2011 he is a lecturer of the Dental Xp Website www.dentalxp.com, being also part of the Editorial Board. Author of the book “The Digital Revolution: the learning curve” edited by Quintessence. http://www.studioagnini.it/la-rivoluzione- digitale/

Alessandro Agnini (Italy)

Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini (Italy)
Dr. Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini graduated in 2007 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Dr. Agnini works in private practice in Modena and Sassuolo, Emilia Romagna, Italy, following his brother, Alessandro, focusing on Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontology, and Implant Dentistry. He attended the NYU College of Dentistry in the years 2009 – 2011 having, among others, as teachers and mentors Doctor Dennis Tarnow, Doctor Christian Stappert, Doctor Stephen Chu and Doctor Michael Bral.
He has been the Clinical Research Fellow of the Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at NYU, under the supervision of Dr Sang Choon Cho. He is co-author of various Italian and international scientific publications and international lecturer. He is part, since 2008, of the scientific committee of the annual programs in Prosthetic Dentistry, Periodontology and Implant Dentistry based at Studio Agnini Odontoiatria.
Since 2011 he is a lecturer of the Dental Xp Website www.dentalxp.com, being also part of the Editorial Board. Author of the book “Digital Dental Revolution: The Learning Curve” edited by Quintessence. http://www.studioagnini.it/la-rivoluzione- digitale/

Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini (Italy)

Eric Van Dooren (Belgium)
Dr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982.
He is known as one of Europe’s best specialists that successfully combine periodontics, prosthodontics and dental implantology. His cases, articles and books have been issued in cooperation with other leading practitioners: Dr. Nitzan Bichacho, Dr. Rafi Romano, Dr. Christian Coachman, Dr. Bernard Touati, Dr. Galip Gürel, Dr. Mauro Fradeani by Quintessence Publishing. One of the books that is co-author to: The Art Of The Smile: Integrating Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Technology, And Plastic Surgery In Esthetic Dental Treatment.
He is the owner of a dentistry private practice in Antwerp, Belgium. For several years now his office has incorporated a course center, training young talents and professionals in the field. As a professor, he is also collaborating in courses and lectures with universities in Belgium, France and occasionally SUA, Argentina and Brazil. In the prezent he is practicing in his private office in Belgium, and lecturing all over the world.

Eric Van Dooren (Belgium)

Egon Euwe (Netherlands)
Dr. Euwe obtained his degree in 1982 at the University of Utrecht (Holland). His professional career started in Monte Carlo in a general practice, and following this he moved to Italy.
Since 1986 his main interests in the dental field have been periodontics and oral implantology, and he has been practicing surgery in his own private office and the offices of various colleagues in Northern Italy. Following numerous post-graduate courses, Dr. Euwe studied under Dr. Sascha Jovanovic at UCLA from 1992 to 1996. Soon after this he began to lecture extensively in Italy and abroad on advanced implantology.
He is fluent in English, Italian, German, and Dutch, and speaks a little French. Dr. Euwe is a member of the UCLA European Study Club, and in January of 1997, this group presented him an award for the “Best Clinical-Scientific Presentation.” Dr. Euwe is the co-author of several scientific publications. He and his prosthodontist and lab technician won first and second prize in two categories in the international competition of the “Parallelometro d oro 1999” (Dental Labor Journal).
He was involved in the Department of Periodontics of the University of Milan at the San Paolo Hospital where he did clinical research on resorption of newly formed bone. He worked at the Department of Periodontology with Prof. Massimo Simion at Milan University. Active member of European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). Faculty member of Global Institute for Dental Education (gIDE)

Egon Euwe (Netherlands)

Galip Gurel (Turkey)
Dr. Galip Gurel graduated from the University of Istanbul, Dental School in 1981. He continued his education at the University of Kentucky, Department of Prosthodontics.
Dr. Gurel is the founder and current president of EDAD (Turkish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry). He is a member of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics (ASDA) and the honorary diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD) as well as a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) and an active member of European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).
He is also the editor-in- chief of the Quintessence Magazin in Turkey and on the editorial board of the AACD journal, PPAD (Practical Procedure & Aesthetic Dentistry) and Spectrum. He has been lecturing on dental aesthetics all over the world and giving post graduate lectures on aesthetics at the NYU and Yeditepe University in Turkey. He is the author of “The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers” published by Quintessence publications in 2003. He has been practicing in his own clinic in Istanbul, specializing in Aesthetic Dentistry, since 1984.
A reknown sportsman, Dr. Gurel has been the Captain of the Turkish National Team of Water Polo for 110 times as well as being the World Champion of the Camel Throphy and a participant of the Paris-Dakar Rally.

Galip Gurel (Turkey)

Henry Ho (Singapore)
Dr. Henry Ho graduated from NUS in 1996. He received his postgraduate degree in 2002 and a member of the Royal college of surgeon (Edinburgh). He specialises in prosthodontics and implant dentistry.
As a visiting specialist at the National university hospital and adjunct lecturer at the NUS, he is deeply involved in education. He’s a board member of the dental implant postgraduate program and also a regional trainer for University of Frankfurt. He gives lectures internationally.

Henry Ho (Singapore)

Henry Salama (U.S.A.)
Dr. Salama received his post-doctoral specialty certificates in both periodontics and periodontal-prosthesis, fixed prosthodontics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the former director of the Implant Research Center, at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught as a Clinical Assistant professor in the Department of Periodontics for over 20 years.
Dr. Salama is currently in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, and Linwood, New Jersey, limited to advanced restorative and implant therapy. His clinical research activities focus on long-term stability of esthetic soft tissue enhancement techniques, as well as immediate and early loading of root form implants.
Dr. Salama is a member of the Scientific Committee of the leading Web based Dental Education sitewww.DentalXP.com

Henry Salama (U.S.A.)

Alain Simonpieri (France)
Doctor of dental surgery (DDS)
Professor Oral surgery department, University Federico II Naples (ITALY)
Post Graduate: Surgical and prosthetic implantology, Oral surgery and implantology NYU (USA), Aesthetic in fixed Prosthesis NYU (USA), Periodontology PARIS VII
President elect SENAME international
Private practice in periodontology and implantology in BEAUSOLEIL and MARSEILLE (France).
Founder of Aesthetic Implantology Institute (MARSEILLE)

Alain Simonpieri (France)
How i became dentist: I had my best friend who has dentist… he suggested me to become dentist. It seems that he had a good idea 😉
So i studied in the university of dentistry of Marseille, i got my diploma in 1980… 37 years ago ! I worked in Marseille during 17 years.
Then i moved in Monaco in 1997. Since that date, i’m leaving and working there, and it’s a real pleasure. There i can enjoy all my hobbies like assist to the Formula 1 GP (i’m passionate by the beautiful and sport cars), or the Monte Carlo Rolex Master tournament (tennis). I can also practice some sports like skiing (there are the Alpes just next to Monaco), doing some gym and running next to the sea. Indeed there is the Mediterranean see where i can often go to enjoy the boat. I appreciate also to chill with a good cigar and a glass of wine in the famous American bar of the hotel de Paris. I am also lucky, because in Monaco girls are wonderful 😉
I have also the opportunity to travel a lot through my lectures all around the word !

Livio Yoshinaga (Brazil)
Graduated in Architecture at the University of Sao Paulo and is specialized in developing the technological infrastructures of dental practices.
He has worked closely throughout the last 10 years with Dr. Mauro Fradeani, Galip Gurel, Eric van Dooren, Andrea Ricci, Christian Coachman, Paulo Kano, Florin Cofar. Known as one of the fathers of Digital Smile Design, the modern concept, together with Christian Coachman.
He also creates and plans educational projects involving live case transmission in collaboration with renowned dental specialists of the world. Currently he is collaborating closely with Dr. Paulo Kano for the development of the new SKYN concept (CAD-CAM protocol for anterior aesthetics). Moreover he is teaching courses internationally on Digital Smile Design and Digital Workflow.

Livio Yoshinaga (Brazil)

Konstantinos D. Valavanis (Greece)
Dr Valavanis attended the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Dental School, Greece, where he received his degree in dentistry in 2000.
After graduating he was trained in implant dentistry in Kraichtal Germany and the Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston MA. He was then trained in implant prosthetics by Prof. Nitzan Bichacho, Tel Aviv Israel. Dr Valavanis is Professor a.c. in the Oral Surgery Department, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, ITALY He is a senior partner in the Athens Dental Institute, Athens, Greece. he currently serves as the president of ICOI-Hellas, Ambassador and member on the board of directors of ICOI, board member of the SENAME Implantology Association (Naples-Italy) and on the editorial Board for the implant dentistry journal. He is also founding member and implantology specialist of the German Implantology Society (DGOI) and Diplomate in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI).
He lectures nationally and internationally mainly on aesthetic implant dentistry.

Konstantinos D. Valavanis (Greece)

George Goumenos (Greece)
Dr. Goumenos graduated from the School of Pharmacy (University of Athens, Greece) in 1982 and the School of Dentistry in 1988.
He graduated from the Dpt. of Periodontology of Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Boston, where he obtained his Certificate in Periodontology in 1990 and his Master of Science Degree in 1991 from the Graduate School of the same University. He received a Doctorate Degree in 1998 from the Dpt. of Periodontology, of the University of Athens, Greece.
Dr. Goumenos was announced Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology in 1996. He was appointed Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the Dpt. of Periodontology, Tufts University, Boston, and since 1991 he has been a clinical instructor at the Dpt. of Periodontology of the University of Athens, Greece.
He has published several articles to date and he is lecturing both nationwide and internationally; he is a faculty member of gIDE and a member of AAP, EFP, AAO and EAO. His main interest is in the biology of oral tissues and their management in periodontal and implant reconstructive plastic surgery. Dr. George Goumenos has been in private practice since 1992, devoted exclusively to Periodontics and Dental implants in Athens, Greece.

George Goumenos (Greece)

Stavros Pelekanos (Greece)
Dr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) in 1991 from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.
In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and is now Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: the International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) and Dental Tribune CME lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, esthetics and restorative procedures.
In 2008 and 2011, Dr. Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 2 chapters in books.

Stavros Pelekanos (Greece)

Ilia Roussou (Greece)
Dr. Ilia Roussou received her undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She obtained her certificate in Prosthodontics from the graduate program of Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Continuing her graduates studies, Dr. Roussou obtained her certificate in Orofacial Pain from University of Kentucky, in Lexington, USA.
In 2004, she obtained her PhD degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Following her professional training Dr. Roussou established a private practice in Athens, limited to Prosthodontics and Orofacial Pain treatment.
She is an assistant professor at the department of prosthodontics, dental school, university of Athens, Greece.
Dr. Roussou is active member of many professional societies. Her professional affiliations include the European academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (EACD), International College of Dentistry (ICD), European Prosthodontics Society (EPA), European Osseointegration Society.
Dr. Roussou lectures extensively nationally and internationally. Her topics of specialty are Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders, Occlusion and Occlusal Discrepancies.

Ilia Roussou (Greece)
Born bicultural from a German mother and a Greek father I was exposed to two diverse cultures, and sceneries and having a variety of backdrops is something that i still seek in my life, thats why i love travelling and wandering around the world.
Ever since i was a kid i loved sports. Basketball won my heart during adolescence. Playing in a professional team and winning the Greek championship is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.
After my studies and returning from the US to Athens i wanted to try to new things. My love for the sea led me into Piraeus and Sailing School. Right after that i received a scuba diving license. But it was in 2004 and after my participation in the Athens Olympics as a volunteer that i came closer to tennis and i started taking lessons on what proved to be a great passion of my life. During that period i got to know Roger (…Federer). I can say now with great confidence that i am the biggest Federer fan in the universe.
I believe that life is too short and for this reason i try to fill it with small, everyday moments of happiness: Good food, French wine, the sea, the sun, a ticket to a new destination, good friends around a table, a game of tennis…

Gilberto Sammartino (Italy)
Honorary President
Head of the Unit of Oral Surgery and Implantology University of Naples “Federico II”
Full Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Past Chief of the School of Oral Surgery, University of Naples “Federico II”
National Coordinator of all Italian Schools of Oral Surgery
Past President of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery (S.I.d.C.O.)
President of the S.E.N.A.M.E implantology Association
President of the I.C.O.I Italy Association
Past President of ANTHEC – Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-components
President of intHEMA – International Non Transfusional Hemocomponents Academy
Past Co-Chairman of the I.C.O.I Europe Association
Author of more than 280 articles published on national and international journals
Lecturer in national and international courses and conferences
Co-Editor of Poseido Journal
Guest editor of Case Report in Dentistry
Lead Guest Editor of Special issues of Journal of Biomedical Research 2015
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal of Biomedical Research 2016
Member of the Editorial Board of different International Journals
Referee of many International Scientific Journals

Gilberto Sammartino (Italy)

Fabio Gorni (Italy)
Graduated from the Milan Dental School in 1984.
Visiting professor for the dept of Endodontics of the S. Paolo Hospital in Milano. Active member of the Italian Society of Endodontics, of the Italian Accademy of Microscopic dentistry, Specialist Member of the European Society of Endodontology and member of the American Association of endodontists, from 1994-1998 he was a member of the admission commitee of the S.I.E. From 1998-2001 he was the cultural secretary of the Italian Society of endodontics, the president from 2003 to 2005. At the moment he is the past-president of the S.I.E. He has lectured on various endodontic topics all over the world he has also pubblished on many national and international journals and he has also produces scientific videos. With C.J. Ruddle he has pubblished a series of videos called “The endodontic game” disributed in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and Asia.
He has is own private practice in Milan and he is specialized mainly in endodontics and surgical endodontics with particulary focusing for the micro dentistry.

Fabio Gorni (Italy)
Implants VS natural teeth, the eternal dilemma: the role of the endo-resto recovering in a modern treatment plan

Eric Van Dooren (Belgium)
New Opportuniies for Enhancement in the Esthetic Zone
The esthetic implant rehabilitation of patients with esthetically and functionally compromised dentition frequently involves a multidisciplinary approach. The achieving of esthetic objectives in multidisciplinary cases represents a considerable clinical challenge. During recent years , treatment modalities and options have changed . From a surgical point of view , less invasive procedures are used in order to preserve soft tissue anatomy and minimize recession. Also the design of implants and prosthetic components has changed in order to minimize bone resorption and soft tissue alterations .This lecture will focus on a new surgical and prosthetic approach in difficult esthetic implant rehabilitations.

Egon Euwe (Netherlands)
Optimizing the pink interface of the implant supported Prosthesis: “the Rootmimetic Approach”
“Invisible Single tooth Replacement” in the Esthetic zone has been considered for decades one of the pinnacles of Implantology. This procedure embraces surgical aspects of both hard and soft tissue preservation, reconstruction versus the volume reducing remodeling processes triggered off by the extraction and/or previous dental pathology . Implant design therefore have been optimized mechanically, biologically and volume wise. The reduced bone volume in an edentulous arch area still allows placement of lingually placed implants which feature a much smaller diameter than the lost roots. Prosthodontic advances in the field CAD CAM technology with materials like Titaninum, Zirconia, Alumina and Lithium Di-Silicate created an Esthetic and Biological breakthrough with 3D Digital shaping connecting the implant platforms with the incisal and occlusal planes of the patient. The prosthetic end results, although stable in time very often look “unnatural” because of bucally inclined emergence profiles and undersized teeth “squeezed” in the smaller arch shape positioned on the atropic ridge lacking the natural root profiles. This problem exposed by the lecturer gave birth to the Rootmimetic approach in which the goal is to use the intact ridge as a Reference for a well proportioned dentition possibly without crowding as a model for the implant supported prostheses creating the illusion of the presence of the roots (convexities).
Soft Tissue management is of key importance in the workflow of both immediate and delayed post extraction implant cases in single or partially edentulous patients to recapture the original ridge volume and optimized tooth inclination and root profiles even in Pontic sites.
The Treatment of the edentulous jaw as introduced by Brånemark has evolved in numerous aspects as well. To the fully edentulous group, also the patients with a downhill dentition have been added and this gave us a clear insight how we are able to actually change the tooth, bone and gum positions with the implant supported prostheses. This can interfere even with the orthognatic jaw relationships: A class II or III relationship showing in the failing dentition can be transformed in a class I jaw relation of the implant supported prosthesis. In the treatment of the high end cases showing malocclusion management of the pink part is extremely important: Do we work with the tissue of the patient or do we shift to a pink prosthetic design? Different cases and different treatment pathways will show us how to obtain an oral and facial optimized end results with pink and white ceramic artwork. Test- drives with diagnostic dentures, fixed provisionals and gingival mock-ups are part of the backward planning process and teamwork in this complex group of patients working towards the class Angle I reference model.

Andrea Agnini (Italy)
The role of Digital Working Tools and Materials in everyday Dentistry
In prosthetic rehabilitations, we used for many years codified and widely described protocols in literature, with results that met our expectations and well above those of our patients. It is true that the advent of new technologies has enabled the dental team to use new material and new equipment that facilitated the production of an adaptation and an accuracy of the prosthetic rehabilitation that has, up to now, been difficult to obtain. Today, intra-oral mapping technology is one of the most exciting new areas in dentistry since three dimensional scanning of the mouth is required in a large number of procedures such as prosthodontics, implant dentistry and orthodontics. All the existing intra-oral scanners are trying to face the limitations and the disadvantages of the traditional impression procedure maintaining an high accuracy level in order to be used as an efficacious alternative to the conventional impression technique. With this presentation, the authors analyze different cases, highlighting the operational differences that they have developed over time, with the increasing knowledge of the new materials and the daily developing of the new softwares. It is also described how traditional materials and techniques have been replaced with other innovative new technologies, and how the results obtained with these are systematic and overlapping times better than traditional one.

Gilberto Sammartino (Italy)
Prevention of periodontal complications related to the impacted third molar extraction
Surgery of impacted third molar is still now a challenge for oral surgeons: this is related first of all to the indications then to a surgical correct planning and then to avoid periodontal complications to second molar. The Author shows a proper planning related to the indications, the safer sugical approach with own proposals and how we can impede the periodontal complictions using different techniques.

Stavros Pelekanos (Greece)
Preserving hard & soft tissues around implants in the aesthetic zone: Biology, Abutment design – selection & Treatment workflow.
Single implant restorations in the esthetic zone require often demanding surgical therapeutic procedures in order to achieve long term stable results. However, the role of the prosthetic design in the stability of the soft and hard tissue is usually underestimated. Moreover, the clinical handling, the treatment sequence and workflow are of outmost importance, determining the final outcome of the implant restoration.
Clinical and scientific evidence shows that correct implant positioning in respect with the future clinical crown and the neighboring teeth decreases the need of soft and/or hard tissue enhancement, especially in cases with intact facial bundle bone. This presentation will focus on the timing of implant and abutment placement, the material selection and the type of the prosthetic restoration, factors that significantly affect the final result.
Various implant abutment types and treatment modalities will be analyzed, emphasizing in the implant-abutment- crown connection, the methodology and the treatment sequencing in the esthetic zone. Furthermore, new trends in abutment designing with the help of clinical cases will be presented, giving some clinical guidelines for the single implant restorations in the esthetic zone.

Ilia Roussou (Greece)
Occlusion on Friday the 13th
Although dental occlusion is basic in all fields of dentistry, the study of occlusion and its relationship to the stomatognathic system has proven to be quite complex. Tremendous interest in this area and at the same time lack of complete knowledge has stimulated numerous concepts, theories, school of thoughts and of course treatments. This has led to much confusion in a field already complicated. The scientific growth in the literature should be acknowledged and studied carefully. Phantom bite syndrome, dual bite, occlusal dysesthisiusa, occlusal maniac, are some of the terminology that arrises in the literature and make this field of dentistry harder to understand and master. Also a slight premature contact can affect the stability of the masticatory system and often adults patients present with acquired malocclusion. In this lecture the concept occlusion is confusion will be challenged in a logical approach based on the current scientific references.

Henry Salama (U.S.A.)
Optimizing the “Transition Zone” in Esthetic and Implant Therapy: A 3-Dimensional Approach
Creating an esthetic and pleasing result in restorative dentistry requires a thorough understanding of the many interfaces, shapes and tissue types that must come together just right to be successful. The “Transition Zone” is where all these critical factors interact to ensure the desired esthetic goal. This presentation will highlight the 3-dimensional and multi-disciplinary management of the “Transition zone” in the challenging patient.

Livio Yoshinaga (Brazil)
SKYN Concept – The perfect balance between Art & Technology
Learn about SKYN Concept developed by Paulo Kano and Livio Yoshinaga and discover this complete concept that will work as your digital platform. Balancing ART and Technology, SKYN will work as a tool fully customized for your professional profile. Either if you enjoy manual sculpture or 3D designs in computers you can achieve high level aesthetics once you utilize natural morphology by copying natural dentition. Impact your patient in the very first hour of their first visit by ending this session with a before x after video, all done immediately with no previous documentation, no manual wax-up, no printed 3D models. This is by far the most efficient way to convince your patient to trust and accept your treatment plan. Once the plan is accepted, learn the different and flexible way SKYN Concept transforms this "project" into final ceramic restorations, quickly, predictable and perfectly copying your SKYN mockup. Utilizing the latest technology in 3D printing and milling machines, SKYN Concept will deliver top quality anterior and posterior restorations without any manual build-up or cut-backs, no wax-up, no analog models and the very top precision in a digital workflow that will match your style. Learn How to enter the digital world, When and What exactly to invest, also How to blend SKYN Concept into your existing CAD/CAM system as the Concept is flexible and works with almost any platform at some extension.

Galip Gurel (Turkey)
Digital Communication / The Implant- Prostho Connection
Modern techniques and materials can be useless if the final outcome does not live up to the patient esthetic expectations. It has always been a challange to create a smile design that the final result would be precisely predicted from day one.. in some cases the dentists do built this design by themselves directly in the patients mouth, however some leave it to the ceramist that they work with.. however more importantly this smile design should also match with the patient’s functional, biological and emotional needs…
To obtain such results we need an interdisciplinary team work. Every member of the team (including the specialists, lab technicians and the patient) should be aware of the treatment planning and the end result from the beginning . Having all the above done correctly, major component for the success remains “communication”. The key to the aesthetic excellence requires patient communication as well as the communication with the laboratory and the specialists from the beginning of the case till the end.
This becomes even more challenging if the team ( dentist, specialists and the ceramist) do not physicaly work together in the same place.
The protocol that is presented will improve the esthetic diagnosis, the interdisciplinary communication and the predictability of anterior aesthetic implant restorations.
Today, it souldn’t be a problem wether the lab, the specialist ect. that you work with is close to your clinic or it is in another country, the digital communication makes everyone work as a synergistic team .

Henry Ho (Singapore)
An Asian Perspective on the Challenges of Tissue Management and Long Term Asthetics for Dental Implants
The importance of bone and soft tissue stability to provide long-term health and esthetics for dental implants has been discussed extensively. The factors that allow this effect to occur will be discussed. The need for proper diagnosis, right execution with good technology is necessary. Therefore, it is the purpose of this presentation to show the conditions to create an acceptable long-term esthetics in our Asian population and thin gingival biotype cases.

Georgios Goumenos (Greece)
Current trends in esthetic periodontal surgery

Konstantinos D. Valavanis (Greece)

Alain Simonpieri (France)
Modern Approach of full arch immediate loading
In immediate loading, the survival rate is often based on the follow-up of osseointergeration, but without aesthetic appreciation… The main goal is to achieve osseointergeration and aesthetics with long stability. For this success we need to obtain both, bone formation and gum thickness, an any failure in one of the 2 factors, requirements must to be met in order to obtain and to maintain them together for avery long time:
- Biological requirements are linked to the early vascularization (appreciation of the biologic level, growth factors, collagen environment)
- Anatomical & surgical requirements will help to the best implant placement and positioning (Fast guide, sub-crestal insertion, platform switching etc…)
- Prosthetic requirements are essential for aesthetics as a guidance for soft tissue design (rigid and screwed provisional prosthesis)
This presentation will show my statistics about more than 1100 full arch loaded immediately since 14 years (>7700 implants)

Alessandro – Andrea Agnini (Italy)
The role of Digital Working Tools and Materials in everyday Dentistry
In prosthetic rehabilitations, we used for many years codified and widely described protocols in literature, with results that met our expectations and well above those of our patients. It is true that the advent of new technologies has enabled the dental team to use new material and new equipment that facilitated the production of an adaptation and an accuracy of the prosthetic rehabilitation that has, up to now, been difficult to obtain. Today, intra-oral mapping technology is one of the most exciting new areas in dentistry since three dimensional scanning of the mouth is required in a large number of procedures such as prosthodontics, implant dentistry and orthodontics. All the existing intra-oral scanners are trying to face the limitations and the disadvantages of the traditional impression procedure maintaining an high accuracy level in order to be used as an efficacious alternative to the conventional impression technique. With this presentation, the authors analyze different cases, highlighting the operational differences that they have developed over time, with the increasing knowledge of the new materials and the daily developing of the new softwares. It is also described how traditional materials and techniques have been replaced with other innovative new technologies, and how the results obtained with these are systematic and overlapping times better than traditional one.

Fabio Gorni (Italy)
Implants VS natural teeth, the eternal dilemma: the role of the endo-resto recovering in a modern treatment plan

Fabrizia Luongo (Italy)
- Rome, 2007-2011: Degree in dentistry at the Catholic University “Sacro Cuore”.
- Los Angeles 2011-2012: Post-graduate Program in Periodontics at UCLA.
- Rome, 2013-2014: Post-graduate Master in Periodontics at the University of Rome “Sapienza”
- Private practice focused on Periodontics treatment and Implant rehabilitations.
- Focused skill in Digital Planning and Communication.
- Peer reviewed publications mainly on treatment planning, Implantology and Digital solution for 3D Bone reconstruction.
- Author of the chapter on digital planning of the book “Digital Implantology”edited by Quintessence.
Aesthetic outcome in implant therapy: a 3D digital evaluation
The aesthetic outcome of implant therapy is an important part of the success of the entire treatment. Many authors have proposed different solutions for the evaluation of this aspect but all of them are based on subjective observations The new digital technologies, which are introducing in dentistry, like intraoral scanners are probably able to evaluate soft tissue stability around implants in a more objective way. An aesthetic evaluation using an innovative 3D method of a series of single implants inserted in the anterior maxillary region is presented. The technique basically consists in a superimposition of the of 3D surface models of the dentogingival structures, obtained from intraoral scans of the same patients taken at the delivery of the final crown and 2 years later. The overall results from 20 patients divided in two groups will be analysed and discussed.

Roberta Gasparro (Italy)
From September 2008 to July 2013 Student at the University of Naples Federico II, faculty of Dentistry (five-years degree).
In 2013 graduated in Dentistry from the University of Naples Federico II with Honors (110/110 magna cum laude) with special mention to career and recommendation for publication of the work of Thesis: “Comparison between traditional surgical techniques and piezosurgery in dental implant site preparation, a clinical experimental study: concept of ultra-osseointegration”, with the supervision of Prof. G. Sammartino. From March 2014 to May 2017 PhD Student in “Experimental and Clinical Medicine” at the University Federico II of Naples.
Active Member of SENAME implantology Association and SIDCO (Società Italiana di Chiurgia Orale) Co-Author of scientific articles published on National and International Journals. Lecturer at National and International Conferences. Participant, as a teacher, in Oral Surgery and Implantology pre and postgraduate programmes.
Bichat’s buccal fat pad: an easily accessible source of mesenchimal stem cells for tissue engineering?
Mesenchimal stem cells (MSCs) represent important suitable candidates in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering for the treatment of tissues damaged by trauma or pathological diseases. Although bone marrow is still the elected source of MSCs, in the last decade, adipose tissue has emerged as an alterantive source of MSC thanks to its facility of harvesting and reduced patient morbidity. Now we consider the buccal fat pad (BFP) as a new source of MSCs which could be of great interest for oral and maxillofacial surgeons who consider the tissue enginnerring approach to be a possible future goal. The Author shows the pattern of differentiation of MSCs from BFP and their interaction with an autologous scaffold, the PRP (platelet rich plasma), in different glucose levels.

Dr. Simon Ng (Singapore)
Dr. Simon Ng received his dental degree in 2005, and prosthodontics postgraduate degree in 2012, from the National University of Singapore. He is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, as well as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore.
Dr. Ng is currently working in a group practice, and also teaches part-time in the National University of Singapore. He specializes in all aspects of restorative care including aesthetic dentistry, full mouth rehabilitation, and implant dentistry.
Soft tissue aesthetics: Complementing biology with technology
Creating implant restorations with harmonious soft tissue architecture requires the understanding of the biological principles of soft tissue healing. With the advancement of technology, techniques for soft tissue management have evolved. This presentation will discuss the treatment of an immediate implant, and how digital technology is utilized to complement soft tissue management.

Michael Diomataris (Greece)
Michalis Diomataris received his DDS in 2009 from the University of Athens Dental School, Greece. In 2017 he received his master specialty from the postgraduate program of Operative Dentistry of the University of Athens. Since 2011, he is supervisor in the education of the undergraduate dental students, in the contemporary principles of esthetic and restorative dentistry.
In 2013 he receives the first award of a national competition between the postgraduate students of Operative Dentistry of the national Dental Schools, presenting a case with the topic of “class IV restoration of a maxillary central incisor”.
Since 2014, he is a member of the team of Stavros Pelekanos’ Dental Clinic in Athens, Greece, practicing in esthetic and restorative dentistry and prosthodontics.
Ceramic veneers on single lithium disilicate implant abutment and adjacent natural tooth. A novel approach for improving interproximal esthetics.

Konstantinos Sergis (Greece)
Dr. Konstantinos Sergis received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S) in 2006 from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. In 2010 he completed his master of science in Prosthodontics (MClinDent Prosthodontics) from the University of Edinburgh (Prof. Richard Ibbetson), United Kingdom. Following his professional training,
Dr Sergis established a private practice in Athens, oriented in clinical prosthodontics, implantology and digital dentistry. In 2011, he became a Clinical Instructor of the Dental School of Athens. Ever since, he has been contributing to the clinical training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of prosthodontics and digital dentistry.
Dr. Sergis is an active member of European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), ITI academy, and Greek Prosthodontic Association. In 2015, he completed his advanced training in digital dentistry in Copenhagen, Denmark and he became a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) of 3Shape in Greece. His clinic became the first demo- clinic of Trios3 intraoral scanner, introducing digitally guided proshodontics and dental implants applications. Dr. Sergis has published several articles in greek and international journals and lectures nationally and internationally.
Full digital step by step protocols in complex cases: planning, treatment and success
Digital technologies are rapidly advancing over the recent years, covering several aspects of modern dentistry, from computer-navigated implant surgery to computer-aided design and manufacture of complex restorations. Digital tools enabling practitioners to achieve a prosthetically driven treatment planning which is based on optimal esthetics, intended final restoration, available bone and the overall clinical situation. Utilization of these contemporary technologies is shown to have a positive effect on patients’ satisfaction, reduction of chairside and laboratory working time, and increased predictability of an intuitive step-by- step workflow while demonstrating high accuracy, esthetics outcomes and long-term success.

George Dimitrakopoulos (Greece)
Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos graduated Dental School of Athens in 2006. He keeps his private office in Chalkida , Evia island , Greece since 2008 and has a special interest in biomimetic , minimally invasive bonded restorative dentistry and dental photography . He is giving presentations and seminars about techniques in the application of rubber dam isolation as well as direct and indirect bonded restorations.
Treating amelogenesis imperfecta;a multi bonding option
Treating an amelogenesis imperfecta case, can be done with an ultraconservative way, a non conservative way and a realistic patient_centered way. Always according to the techniques that make the clinician feel safe, that make the patient feel comfortable or the budget seem adequate. In this lecture, there will be presented a treatment option including most of the possible bonding ways of an individualised therapy

Stefania Grous (Greece)
Dr. Stefania A. Grous received on 2011, her DMD degree from the English program of Semmelweis University, School of Dental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary. On 2013 she graduated from the two-year postgraduate program of Advanced Education in Aesthetic Dentistry, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA. On 2015 she obtained her MSc degree in Conservative Dentistry, from the University College of London (UCL), Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK. The study of her project was on the subject of 3D printing and the relevant updated technologies.
She presented in various international congresses. Currently she practices at the Grous Dental Clinic, limited to Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry.
Integration of bleaching procedures into the prosthetic treatment. When and How.
One of the main challenges a clinician has to overcome in the esthetic area is the presence of discolored teeth. The aim in such cases is to use methods that are as minimally invasive as possible and materials that allow the preservation of dental tissues. Bleaching procedures and various ceramic materials can improve the masking of the discolored teeth present and help us achieve excellent cosmetic results. This presentation will explain how to integrate bleaching into the prosthetic treatment, in terms of time, in the various cases of discoloration and what factors to consider when choosing the timing.

Dimitris Chatziemmanouil (Greece)
He graduated from the School of Dentistry of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the Military School of Combat Support Officers in 2003 and sworn in as Second Lieutenant of the Medical Service Corps. During his studies, he received scholarships and awards of the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY).
In 2004 he was trained in the Maxillosurgery clinic of 401 Military Hospital of Athens in the field of oral surgery. Since 2005, he has a private practice in the town of Mytilene, performing general dentistry with emphasis on microscopic dentistry, implantology, in specific computer guided implant surgery.
In 2015 he retired from the army and has been a private practitioner since then. He constantly attends further training on aesthetic dentistry and implantology at conferences and seminars both in Greece and abroad. He has published papers in Greek and foreign periodicals and he is member of the editorial board of dental publications for the oral surgery sector.
Clinical Guided surgery utilizing open systems and softwares
The advance of technology and 3D printing offers now the possibility to design and print within the practice with high accuracy and at a much lower cost compared to the past. We will discuss how we can design and print templates for computer guided placement of implants using open softwares and systems, increasing predictability and safety in the execution of implant treatment planning.
MPF Brush
Upcoming Fac
s Pontium
Friday 13/10/2017
10:00-10:20 Konstantinos Sergis (Greece)
Full digital step by step protocols in complex cases: planning, treatment and success
10:20-10:40 Simon Ng (Singapore)
Soft tissue aesthetics: Complementing biology with technology
10:40-11:00 George Dimitrakopoulos (Greece)
Treating amelogenesis imperfecta;a multi bonding option
11:00-11:20 Roberta Gasparro (Italy)
Bichat’s buccal fat pad: an easily accessible source of mesenchimal stem cells for tissue engineering?
Upcoming Fac
s Pontium
Saturday 14/10/2017
10:00-10:20 Michael Diomataris (Greece)
Ceramic Veneers on single lithium disilicate implant abutment and adjacentnatural tooth. A novel approach for improving for improving interproximal esthetics.
10:20-10:40 Dimitris Chatziemmanouil (Greece)
Clinical Guided surgery utilizing open systems and softwares
10:40-11:00 Fabrizia Luongo (Italy)
Aesthetic outcome in implant therapy: a 3D digital evaluation
11:00-11:20 Stefania Grous (Greece)
Integration of bleaching procedures into the prosthetic treatment. When and how

Benno Walter (Γερμανία)
Ο Benno Walter απέκτησε το MBA (Master in Business Administration) από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Mannheim. Έχει εργαστεί σαν Product Manager και Marketing Manager σε πολλούς οδοντιατρικούς οίκους όπως: Roeko, Wieland, GC Europe, SIRONA. Τώρα κατέχει τη θέσει του Διευθύνοντος Συμβούλου στη White Smile Γερμανίας, εταιρεία που ειδικεύεται αποκλειστικά στη Λεύκανση.

Θοδωρής Γονίδης (Ελλάδα)
Ο Θοδωρής Γονίδης αρχικά σπούδασε Οδοντική Τεχνολογία στο Ανώτατο Τεχνολογικό Ίδρυμα Αθηνών. Στη συνέχεια με κατακακτήριες εξετάσεις εισήχθη στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, από την αποία αποφοίτησε το 2012. Την επόμενη χρονιά εισήχθη, κατόπιν εξετάσεων, στο μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα της Προσθετικής, στο οποίο η κύρια ενασχόληση του ήταν πάνω στη συγκόλληση του διπυριτικού λιθίου. Είναι από το 2014 Συνεργάτης του τομέα Προσθετικής της Οδοντιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, τόσο στην προπτυχιακή κλινική, όσο και στο εργαστήριο. Είναι μέλος της Ευρωπαικής Ακαδημίας Οστεοενσωμάτωσης (ΕΑΟ), μέλος της Ελληνικής Προσθετικής Εταιρίας και έχει αρκετές καταχωρήσεις σε διεθνή συμπόσια και συνέδρια.

Σπύρος Καρατζάς (Ελλάδα)
Ο Σπύρος Καρατζάς απoφοίτησε από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών το 1990, και πήρε δεύτερο πτυχίο Οδοντιατρικής από την Οδοντιατρική σχολή του Boston University το 2000. Ειδικεύτηκε στην Περιοδοντολογία στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Rochester, Eastman Dental Center την περίοδο 1991-1994, και ολοκλήρωσε το Master του το 1995. Είναι Diplomate του American Board of Periodontology από το 1996, την χρονιά όπου του απονεμήθηκε το Michael Bonocore Award for outstanding Scientific Merit από το Rochester Section της International Association for Dental Research. Από το 1995 μέχρι το 1996 διετέλεσε επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο University of Rochester. Το 1996, έγινε Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Περιοδοντολογίας στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Boston University όπου άσκησε διδακτικό και ερευνητικό έργο έως το 2000. Διετέλεσε επιστημονικός συνεργάτης στην κλινική της Περιοδοντολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών από το 2000 έως το 2013. Από το 2000 έως σήμερα είναι Επισκέπτης Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στην έδρα της Περιοδοντολογίας στο University of Rochester και το Boston University. Είναι ο επιστημονικός υπεύθυνος του περιοδικού Endo-Perio, καθώς και μέλος της επιστημονικής επιτροπής του περιοδικού Αισθητική Οδοντιατρική και Εμφυτεύματα. Είναι πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Ακαδημίας Αισθητικής Οδοντιατρικής, και αντιπρόεδρος του Οδοντιατρικού Συλλόγου Αχαΐας. Έχει διατελέσει πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Ακαδημίας Μικροσκοπικής Οδοντιατρικής. Έχει παρουσιάσει πολλές εργασίες σε πανελλήνια και διεθνή συνέδρια, και έχει δημοσιεύσει επιστημονικά άρθρα σε ελληνικά και ξένα περιοδικά. Διατηρεί ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στην Πάτρα με αποκλειστικότητα την περιοδοντολογία και τα εμφυτεύματα.

Στρατής Παπάζογλου (Ελλάδα)
Αποφοίτησε το 1989 από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Το 1991 έλαβε το Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Κλινικής Εξειδίκευσης στην Προσθετική και το Master στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Πολιτειακού Πανεπιστημίου του Ohio στις ΗΠΑ (Ohio State University) όπου και εκπόνησε τη Διδακτορική του διατριβή (PhD 1999). Από το 1992 ως το 2000 ήταν Επίκουρος Καθηγητής σε αυτό το Πανεπιστήμιο. To 2002, εξελέγη Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Έχει πραγματοποιήσει πολλές παρουσιάσεις σε Ελληνικά και διεθνή επιστημονικά συνέδρια και έχει πάνω από 40 δημοσιεύσεις. Διατηρεί στην Αθήνα ιδιωτικό ιατρείο με έμφαση στην Εμφυτευματολογία, Αισθητική Οδοντιατρική και Προσθετική.

Μαρία Σπανοπούλου (Ελλάδα)
Η Μαρία Σπανοπούλου αποφοίτησε Οδοντική Τεχνολογία από το Ανώτατο Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ιδρυμα Αθηνών το 2004. Από το 2000 ξεκίνησε την επαγγελματική της δραστηριότητα στο εργαστήριο του πατέρα της Δημήτρη Σπανόπουλο, Advanced Dental Laboratory. Παρακολούθησε πολλά σεμινάρια από Έλληνες και διεθνείς οδοντοτεχνίτες και οδοντίατρους και εξειδικεύτηκε στις αισθητικές αποκαταστάσεις. Από το 2006 είναι πιλοτικό εργαστήριο της εταιρίας Sirona, για το σύστημα CAD/CAM InLab. Το 2008 η εταιρία Ivoclar Vivadent την πιστοποίησε ως Instructor/Opinion Leader, και μέχρι σήμερα διοργανώνει/παρουσιάζει θεωρητικά και πρακτικά σεμινάρια στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. Το 2011 έλαβε πιστοποίηση Trainer από την εταιρία Straumann και μέχρι σήμερα είναι πιστοποιημένο μέλος του Lab Academy Straumann και DSD (Digital Smile Design). Από το 2015 συνεργάζεται με το μεταπτυχιακό τμήμα Προσθετικής της Οδοντιατρικής Σχολής Αθηνών – Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών.

Μηνάς Λεβέντης DDS, MSc, PhD (Ελλάδα)
Ο Μηνάς Λεβέντης αποφοίτησε το 1999 από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Στο διάστημα 2000 έως 2003 πραγματοποίησε τις μεταπτυχιακές του σπουδές στο ίδιο πανεπιστήμιο στον Τομέα της Παθοβιολογίας Στόματος με κλινική εξειδίκευση στη Χειρουργική του Στόματος, ενώ το 2010 ολοκλήρωσε τη διδακτορική του διατριβή στο ΕΚΠΑ στο αντικείμενο των οστικών μοσχευμάτων και των αυξητικών παραγόντων. Το διάστημα 2000 έως 2012 υπήρξε Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης της ΣΓΠΧ Κλινικής στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή Αθηνών, καθώς και της ΣΓΠΧ Κλινικής του Γ.Π.Ν.Α. Παίδων «Π. & Α. Κυριακού». Τα τελευταία χρόνια είναι ερευνητής στο Εργαστήριο Πειραματικής Χειρουργικής και Χειρουργικής Ερεύνης ¨Ν. Σ. Χρηστέας¨ της Ιατρικής Σχολής Αθηνών διεξάγοντας ποικίλες έρευνες στο πεδίο κυρίως της οστικής αναγέννησης και της ανάπτυξης σύγχρονων συνθετικών βιοϋλικών. Ο Μηνάς Λεβέντης πραγματοποιεί ομιλίες και σεμινάρια στην Ελλάδα και το Εξωτερικό σε θέματα εμφυτευματολογίας και χειρουργικής στόματος. Έχει δημοσιεύσει περισσότερα από 40 άρθρα σε έγκριτα ελληνικά και διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, ενώ είναι ενεργό μέλος πολλών επιστημονικών εταιριών, Fellow και Diplomate του International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), και ανήκει στο διδακτικό προσωπικό της Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) στην Αγγλία.
Κεντρική αίθουσα ομιλιών
Κυριακή 15 Οκτωβρίου 2017
10:15-11:15 Benno Walter (Γερμανία)
Το marketing της Λεύκανσης
fläsh – πολύ περισσότερο από μια απλή Λεύκανση
Η Λεύκανση στο σύγχρονο οδοντιατρείο:
• Η Λεύκανση σαν τμήμα της Αισθητικής Οδοντιατρικής
• Χαρούμενοι ασθενείς = πιστοί ασθενείς
• Προστιθέμενη αξία των υπηρεσιών σας
• Προσέλκυση νέων και υπαρχόντων ασθενών
• fläsh in action
11:30-12:30 Σπύρος Καρατζάς (Ελλάδα)
Χειρουργική εμφυτευμάτων στην αισθητική ζώνη.
The smart casual approach.
12:45-13:45 Στρατής Παπάζογλου (Ελλάδα)
Ενσωμάτωση νέων ψηφιακών τεχνικών στην καθημερινή πράξη
για την ταχύτερη και αποτελεσματικότερη εμφυτευματική αποκατάσταση.
14:00-15:00 Θοδωρής Γονίδης – Μαρία Σπανοπούλου (Ελλάδα)
Μονολιθικές αποκαταστάσεις υψηλής αντοχής και αισθητικής
σε ασθενή με βρυγμό. Επιλογή κατάλληλων υλικών με βάση τις ενδείξεις.
Δορυφορικές ομιλίες και πρακτικά σεμινάρια
Κυριακή 15 Οκτωβρίου 2017
Ώρα 9.00 – 12.30
Πηγαίνοντας την επιεμφυτευματική αποκατάσταση ένα επίπεδο πάνω: Προσθετική αποκατάσταση με το σύστημα εμφυτευμάτων Paltop
Ομιλητής – Εκπαιδευτής: Στρατής Παπάζογλου – Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, DDS, MS, PhD
Το σεμινάριο είναι σχεδιασμένο με γνώμονα τις κλινικές ανάγκες του γενικού οδοντιάτρου που χρειάζεται να σχεδιάσει και να υλοποιήσει προσθετικές αποκαταστάσεις με οστεοενσωματούμενα εμφυτεύματα σε μερικά νωδούς ασθενείς.
9.00 – 10.00 > Θεωρητικό Μέρος
Θα παρουσιαστούν βήμα-βήμα οι προσθετικές και χειρουργικές λύσεις του συστήματος εμφυτευμάτων Paltop. Στο θεωρητικό μέρος θα δοθεί έμφαση στο σχέδιο θεραπείας, την επιλογή του αριθμού και μεγέθους των εμφυτευμάτων, τις ψηφιακές τεχνικές μελέτης και κατασκευής ναρθήκων, τις μεταβατικές αποκαταστάσεις και στις τεχνικές αποτύπωσης ανοιχτού και κλειστού δισκαρίου.
Έμφαση θα δοθεί στη δημιουργία ικανοποιητικού αναδυόμενου μυλικού περιγράμματος και στην εξατομικευμένη αποτύπωση των διαμορφωμένων ιστών. Επίσης θα περιγραφεί η φιλοσοφία των συγκολλοκοχλιούμενων στηριγμάτων που έχουν περιγραφεί και χρησιμοποιούνται στις μονήρεις αποκατασταςτάσεις εδώ και χρόνια, αλλά και νέες προσεγγίσεις χρήσεις τους ως στηρίγματα γεφυρών με πολλά πλεονεκτήματα. Ιδιαίτερα θα περιγραφούν κλινικά περιστατικά που μπορούν έτσι να αποκατασταθούν με αυτή τη φιλοσοφία συνεργαζόμενοι με το σύγχρονο οδοντοτεχνικό εργαστήριο που έχει πρόσβαση στις τεχνικές scanning, milling, and laser sintering.
10.30 – 12.30 > Πρακτικό Μέρος
Στο πρακτικό μέρος, οι συμμετέχοντες θα τοποθετήσουν δύο εμφυτεύματα χρησιμοποιώντας ένα νάρθηκα κατασκευασμένο με τεχνολογία CAD/CAM σε εκμαγείο μερικά νωδής γνάθου. Στη συνέχεια, θα κατασκευάσουν κοχλιούμενη μεταβατική αποκατάσταση ενσωματώνοντας κυλίνδρους ΡΕΕΚ στον χειρουργικό νάρθηκα μετατρέποντάς τον έτσι σε μεταβατική αποκατάσταση.
Κόστος συμμετοχής στο πρακτικό μέρος 50€
Η είσοδος στο θεωρητικό μέρος είναι ελεύθερη.
Απαιτείται δήλωση συμμετοχής στο θεωρητικό και το πρακτικό μέρος, λόγω περιορισμένου αριθμού θέσεων.
Πληροφορίες & δήλωση συμμετοχής, Ariston Dental (Κα Χατζημιχάλη): 210 80 30 341, 216 70 03 896
Ώρα 14.00 – 15.00
Οστική ανάπλαση γύρω από εμφυτεύματα. Σύγχρονα δεδομένα και νέα πρωτόκολλα με τη χρήση συνθετικών βιοϋλικών.
Ομιλητής: Μηνάς Λεβέντης – DDS, MSc, PhD
Σημαντικό πεδίο της σύγχρονης εμφυτευματολογίας αποτελεί η αποκατάσταση οστικών ελλειμμάτων και η οστική ανάπλαση γύρω από εμφυτεύματα καθώς και ο περιορισμός της απορρόφησης της φατνιακής ακρολοφίας μετά από εξαγωγές. Μεταξύ των οστικών μοσχευμάτων, αλλομοσχεύματα, ξενομοσχεύματα και συνθετικά υλικά έχουν εκτενώς χρησιμοποιηθεί και τεκμηριωθεί. Είναι σημαντικό πως τα οστικά αυτά υποκατάστατα, ανάλογα με την προέλευση και τη χημική τους δομή, παρουσιάζουν ξεχωριστή βιολογική συμπεριφορά σχετικά με το βαθμό απορρόφησής τους και την παραγωγή νέου οστού. Αυτό μπορεί να επηρεάσει όχι μόνο τον όγκο, αλλά και την ποιότητα του νεοσχηματιζόμενου οστίτη ιστού, η οποία ποιότητα σχετίζεται με την αρχιτεκτονική και την περιεκτικότητα του ιστού σε ζωντανό οστούν, συνδετικό ιστό και υπολειμματικό μόσχευμα. Τα συνθετικά οστικά μοσχεύματα αποτελούν μια ευρεία κατηγορία αλλοπλαστικών βιοσυμβατών οστικών υποκατάστατων, και μεταξύ αυτών τα κεραμικά φωσφορικού ασβεστίου αποτελούν τα πλέον χρησιμοποιούμενα, κυρίως με τη μορφή του β φωσφορικού τριασβεστίου. Νεότερες μελέτες δείχνουν πως τα συνθετικά αυτά μοσχεύματα δε χρησιμεύουν μόνο ως ένα τρισδιάστατο ικρίωμα, αλλά παράλληλα μπορούν να προάγουν ενεργητικά και την οστεοεπαγωγή κατά την οστική αναγέννηση. Η σύγχρονη τεχνολογία επιτρέπει επίσης τη βελτίωση των εμβιομηχανικών ιδιοτήτων των συνθετικών μοσχευμάτων μέσω της συνεπεξεργασίας τους με άλλα συνθετικά υλικά όπως το θειικό ασβέστιο. Οι χημικές αυτές τροποποιήσεις καθιστούν τα υλικά εύπλαστα και εύκολα διαμορφώσιμα διεγχειρητικά κατά την τοποθέτησή τους, ενώ μετά την επαφή τους με φυσιολογικό ορό μεταπίπτουν σε ένα in situ σκληρυνόμενο, σταθερό οστεοκαθοδηγητικό και οστεοεπαγωγικό υπόστρωμα για οστική αναγέννηση. Από κλινική άποψη, η βελτιωμένη σταθερότητα σε όλη τη μάζα του μοσχεύματος ενδέχεται να βελτιώσει περαιτέρω την ποιότητα του οστού που θα αναγεννηθεί, ενώ ένα «αυτο-σταθεροποιούμενο» συνθετικό μόσχευμα περιορίζει την αναγκαιότητα χρήσης μεμβρανών αποκλεισμού, με αποτέλεσμα απλοποιημένες και λιγότερο επεμβατικές, δαπανηρές και χρονοβόρες χειρουργικές τεχνικές.
Ελεύθερη είσοδος
Απαιτείται δήλωση συμμετοχής, λόγω περιορισμένου αριθμού θέσεων.
Πληροφορίες & δήλωση συμμετοχής, Ariston Dental (Κα Χατζημιχάλη): 210 80 30 341, 216 70 03 896